Gitschberg Jochtal

Kreuzwiesenalm (1 924 m)

Mountain hut
Holiday area: Lüsner Alm
Höhe ü.d.M.: 1924m
Höhenmeter: 224m
Weg: 0km
Time: 60 min.
Level of difficulty:
Produkte: Alpine dairy, various cheese specialities, different types of dumplings, kaiserschmarrn pancakes, apple strudel and various cakes
Ruhetag: no day off
Übernachtung: 10 rooms, mostly with en-suite bathrooms, plus a dormitory with 20 mattresses
Öffnungszeiten: Summer: 21.05. – 31.10.2022
Comfortable hut in a very quiet Zone.

Besitzer: Fam. Hinteregger
Tel: +39 333 748 4880